I went collecting in the North Cascades with Joe Ammirati, and two friends from our lab.
What a great day! We found tons of fungi, and quite a few edibles :)
Here they are, edibles first:
Lobster Mushroom (Hypomyces lactifluorum-orange-growing on a Russula)
Cortinarius caperatus (Rozites) distinguished by the silvery cap:
and off-center cap attachement, this mushroom is often called "the gypsy":
Armillaria, the honey fungus:
it grows in clusters and has cinnamon scales:
Dentinum=Hydnum repandum:
Polyozellus multiplex! the Black Chanterelle! It is a beautiful purple/black with white spores:
Boletus mirabilis, the two maroon ones in the middle;
Lactarius deliciousus group, on the left;
and another Cortinarius caperatus (Rozites) on the right.
Clavariadelphus truncatus a sweet-tasting edible:
Hericium abietis, the Lion's Mane! My first one, and it was huge! I found it fallen off the log it grew on in a camping parking lot :)
The inedibles:
A slime mold (immature):
(mature, spores being released):
Hydnellum peckii (from the bottom):
From the top (it releases red liquid drops):
Coltrichia perennis:
a fall-fruiting ascomycete, usually they fruit in the spring:
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum, a clear, jiggly, toothed fungus:
Cortinarius violaceus, rust-brown spores:
We've been slicing drying mushrooms all evening in our dehydrator. We should have a lot of great edibles to last us the winter :)
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