I went on a road trip to Seattle!
Adam was moving all his things to start life after college and I got to come, too!

We stayed with Adam's sister's family and did all kinds of things together. Andra and Robbie have two kids, George and Oliver.
Here's Adam at Pike's Market with Oliver.
Here's Andra with George.

We went to the Seattle Aquarium! There was a cool sea anemone that looked like a mushroom :)

This was my favorite fish at the aquarium!

We ate 4 piroshki's and were still hungry.

We went to lunch at a delicious place in Capital Hill.

Seattle: from the Elliott Bay Book Store
Adam and I went to Mushroom Maynia at the Burke Museum at the University of Washington.
We saw these mushroom crafts:

and these beautiful colors from mushroom dyes. We're going to try this soon.

Here is Oliver right before I left for the airport.

Here is me and Adam when i was nervous right before I met with Dr. Ammirati, the Mycologist!

Lunch at Agua Verde, close to where little Candice's new dorm will be!

I had a great vacation to Seattle. I'm excited to move there this July :)
Thanks Robbie and Andra for letting me stay with your family!
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