Sunday, February 17, 2013

Ski Day Feb 9th, 2013

We took a day trip to Steven's Pass and had a lovely, successful ski day.
Elliott on the way there:
 Getting geared up to ski with Dad:
 Elliott loved skiing, but would have preferred to ride his own snowboard:
I am improving my ski turns. I ski very gingerly and rarely fall, but Adam's about twice as fast as I am. Elliott had a new, improved snow outfit which made the day more pleasant for all. Snow boots, a puffy jacket with extra long sleeves that doubled as mittens, scarf for cheeks. Did you know babies cheeks can get frost bitten? It happened to Elliott last year! He was only 5 months sad.
 Snacks in the lodge! Elliott takes after his mom and dad - he loves to eat!
 Snow kisses:
 Elliott on the way home:
Thanks Dad/Adam for a good ski day. I know I drag my heels the day before, but I always have fun :)

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