Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Packwood Lake Family Backpack Trip

At last, our first family backpack trip! Elliott has been asking to go on an adventure since he has watched Adam pack and leave for 6 or so trips this summer. I prepped him about the commitment it would require and he agreed to the terms. Elliott insists he will make it to the top of Rainier soon. Adam is proud of this desire and tempted to oblige (we read that the youngest person to summit Rainier was a 4 year old. It took 7 days, but he made it).
On our way to the trail head, we had a lovely view of Mt. Rainier (somewhat in the clouds). Adam has summited twice and enjoyed sharing some of his love for the mountain with us.

 Adam had recently been on the trail to Packwood Lake on the SE corner of Mount Rainier and remembered it to be very moderate and doable for our current "combined ability level." After packing all morning (first day of Paternity Leave!!!), we drove away at 2 pm and began hiking at 5:30 pm! Luckily, we made it the 4 1/2 miles to the lake by about 7:30 pm - just as it was getting dark. Elliott did great on the trail. He rode his bike on the relatively flat places which meant fast hiking, and he walked on more steep areas while we carried his bike. He carried his own backpack with snacks, jacket, headlamp the entire trip. As i said, he wanted to go on this trip, so he never thought to complain about anything.

 Adam carried all our gear and helped motor Elliott. I carried Arlin on my front and all our food on my back :)
 On uphill trails, Adam would give Elliott a "motor" with his hiking pole.
 I kept a bored and squashed Arlin placated by slipping him a red mountain huckleberry every couple seconds. He must have eaten 100+ berries over the trip.
  Blister care...Adam was recovering from Mt. Rainier the week before.
 We made it to Packwood Lake:
 View from the eating area of our camp:
 Adam kindly set up the tent  (I was near useless as far as camp stuff went because I was holding a mobile and rambunctious Arlin) then we feasted on smoked salmon, incredible Gina Marie cream cheese in adorable packaging, and crackers.
 Best camp food. Was supposed to be our idyllic lunch picnic, but we got a late start.
 Tent doggies:
Lost Lake day hike photos coming soon....


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