Friday, October 22, 2010


I knit an autumn hat! Just in time for the wonderful fall colors that have hit Seattle.

I named it haust, the Icelandic word for autumn.

I used scraps from my yarn shopping spree in Iceland October 2005 - I can't believe it was 5 years ago!
I still have quite a stash of Lopi (Icelandic yarn from Icelandic sheep), but unfortunately not enough of any single color to make a sweater :(
Sad face. A multicolored sweater would be wonderful, but those can be tricky to make just right and the colors I have are not varied enough to make a good multicolor print.

Basic specs:
CO 100 sts
8 rows of 1X1 rib
25 rows main body of hat, then decreasing to shape.
leaf pattern of 10 repeating stitches from Selbu Strikke

Adam hoped it would be for him - and I would gladly give it to him!- but it's my size. I think for Adam, I would use 110 stitches instead of 100. The poor man still doesn't have a proper hat. The one I made for him earlier this year is too itchy for his head and needs to be lined so I frequently sneak wear it.